Field notes - Meteorology

where the wind things are

With the wind direction meter on our ‘Weatherscope’ looking well and truly broken, I’ve resorted to making an improvised weathervane. Happily, the internet offers today’s aspiring wind observers a full spectrum of […]


Harrington St Library

Working Bibliography   Aristotle, Meteorologica (Cambridge: Harvard University Press), 1952 Birmingham, John, Leviathan: the unauthorised biography of Sydney (North Sydney: Random House), 2000 Bonyhady, Tim, The Colonial Earth (Melbourne: Melbourne […]


Grammar Lesson #2

In 26 Views of a Starburst World, Ross Gibson argues that William Dawes was exposed to an entirely different cosmology in the process of trying to record the Sydney language. […]


Grammar lesson #1

In 26 Views of the Starburst World, Ross Gibson sheds new light on the ways in which the language of the Eora people differs from the rules of English grammar. […]

Field notes - Meteorology

Under pressure

We’ve acquired an old German barometer, and today tried taking hourly readings. Air pressure appears to have dropped slightly since the first reading this morning, which would indicate the approach […]

Field notes

A publishing venture

Cloudy though warm. A slight heaviness to the air. On our second day in-residence, Jen and I set about concretising our activities and expectations for the project. There are so […]

Field notes

The Weather Today

We are not only here to make jam, but also to investigate different kinds of human-weather relations. The most primal human-weather relation is the one where we exclaim something about […]

Field notes


Our first day on-site. A crisp, sunny day. It turns out the large tree in the courtyard area is a lillipilli, with fruit literally covering the ground. Lillipilli jam may […]